AOL Pictures - One More Service Being Trimmed Back

Every day I get a service error message when I log into the web-based AOL.  It's like part of the process for me now.  Sign in, get error message, click continue.  Sigh.

After they've announced that they were dispensing with the web site hosting service called AOL Hometown, they've just announced this morning that they will now be discontinuing the AOL Photo Hosting Service called AOL Pictures.

I've never heard of them, but they're now saying you can continue to access your images on American Greetings® PhotoWorks® with a free account after providing your AOL account info.  ...Never heard of them.  Have you?

If I were to make a judgment call, I mean besides continually pointing out all the annoyances of my favorite limping along service called AOL, I'd say they are cutting back on hosting services and saving fees for leasing either the space, the equipment to host or both.  I'm guessing their ad based services aren't working as well as they had hoped.

They have revamped the look of the web interface so now I have all kinds of options on the right side of the screen, and an AIM offer that I have to close every time I log into my email now, so they are trying to work the ad managed service and somehow play catch up to the web advertising pioneer, Google.

So if you have pics out there, you need to go take care of this.  You'll see the email when you log in.
