FACEBOOK PAGES: Setting Your Vanity URL in 2019

IT's crazy how often Facebook changes crap around once you figure out one way to do something, then bam, it's totally different. It's like they hired an ex-microsoft employee to just muck things up to keep users on their toes!

For one thing, changing your Facebook Business Page url is NOT under 'www.facebook.com/username.' That's your own personal page's name or nickname if you want to change that.

These instructions are current, as of July 2019. SO if January 2020 comes around and this doesn't work, it's not my fault!!! I can't change the calendar and I can't predict how unpredictable FB will predictably become.

So here goes...

How To Change Your Facebook Business Page URL to a Vanity URL

First, you need more than 'x' number of page likes. I think it's 25 before they'll let you rename your page. But I could be wrong. When I went to test it on another page, I had asked a bunch of people to like my new page... I didn't expect the page numbers to jump from 15 to 50 in an hour, so I couldn't test that '25 likes' restriction.

Go to your page, https://www.facebook.com/pg/your-page-with-lots-of-funky-numbers.url.

In the left column will be an 'About' link.  Yes, click it!  (The header image shows my Facebook page, and you can see on the left what I'm talking about.

In the central column section, there's a 'GENERAL' section, with

Name &

in that section. Click the 'edit' button in the 'Username' line.

It's here that you can change your crazy long Facebook page url that looks like a kindergartner dropped a box of number blocks on it...  now you can type in your more elegant idea of a user or page name, for your Facebook Business Page. (I threw in Business because it's what they're calling it these days.)

As you type, FB should let you know if some other bonehead stole your... I mean, if it's available or not. If you're lucky or have a rare enough page name you should be fine. Or you might need to get a wee bit creative if what you want is not available.

MAKE SURE YOU HAVE NO TYPOS in your new page name.  Just saying.  No reason, nope, none what so ever. In fact, type your idea somewhere else, like in an open email or editing program to check for those pesky typos. If you do goof, it seems like they make you wait for a way too long period of time to change it to the proper spelling.

If all goes well, you will almost immediately have your new URL. But if you are worried about your old url failing, don't worry, it will continue to point to your page, just in case you have it peppered all over the web in various links. Or had a typo.

And that's that.  Good luck FB user!!! Have fun with your page!

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