Need a Screenshot But Can't Afford Software?

Hey all! If you're new to the web, or just don't use computers all that much we don't always know how to tackle some silly or simple needs when they arise.

For example, say you need to send an image of your desktop or an open app window to a friend who's helping you do something.

That's not too hard to do actually.

First, I recommend opening up WordPad. To get that open, you need to go to:
  • Start,
  • Programs,
  • Accessories
It's located there.

See my screen shot showing the open menus on my system while I was writing this.

I say open WordPad because you'll need a place to paste the image you are about to take. If you have Word or some other editor, that's fine too. I'm just picking the simplest application for everyone off the top of my head because WordPad comes with your MS operating system.

Now here's the trick, and it involves a key on your keyboard that has Print Scrn on it.

To snag the whole screen on your monitor, press
  • Shift and Print Scrn.
If you just want to snag an application window itself and not the whole beast, try
  • Alt and Print Scrn.

Once you've snagged your screen shot, you just need to go to your open document, and hit paste and bingo: you've got an image from your screen in your document and now you can email that beast right off to your buddy who's helping you out!

There are software applications that do this also, but they're things you have to pay for. SnagIt is one. I use ACDSee and I like their screen shot utility and there are countless others, both free and purchasable. SnagIt has been around a long time.

I have to tell you, writing about screen shots and testing them, and then trying to hop back and forth between the screen, my test document and the writing interface was really confusing at moments. I wasn't sure where I was at spots!! My head spins... I must go.

I hope this helps someone and remember, comments or questions are always welcome here on Bruce's Place of Thoughts. If you have a question, just leave it in the comments section. If you don't want it approved to being posted, just say so upfront in the comment and I can answer your question either through this blog or in email.

Thanks for coming by - Bruce
