What's Coming To CHROME By Aug 2019

New Features Coming To CHROME

Of late, I've have become more of a Chrome and Chromebook user (due to my unhappiness with Windows). It used to be a pretty isolated operating system, but as their products find their way into the consumer market, they're expanding what can and cannot be done with their platform.

It's quite amazing actually. But more on that later. Right now, I'm looking at a piece about what new features are coming out in the latest version of Chrome.

--Flash on websites will now be disable by default. So if you're addicted to Flash products, you'll need to fix that. I don't think I'll miss anything, I run a script blocker anyway.

--Websites will now not be able to detect if you're in Incognito mode.

--Automatic Dark mode so when you visit websites, they too will detect your preference.

--Websites will not be able to take over your escape key anymore.

--Keep better tabs on your Chrome extensions.

--Progressive website apps will be easier to install. (As if they aren't already!!!)

--Linux apps will have GPU acceleration.

--System notices will be easier to clear out... IE: there will be a 'clear all' option.

These all seem like great additions or updates to Chrome and Google is really pulling out the stops to keep their user-base happy. And they're becoming so much more competitive or useful versus MS windows machines! This user is becoming more and more please with every passing month.

For details on the updates I have noted, visit HowToGeek for their detailed article.


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